Portia spiders are small jumping spiders that belong to the Salticidae family. They are among the most intelligent arthropods because they hunt other hunters. This is possible because Portia spiders are skilled at creating and executing complex hunting strategies. While some spiders wait for prey in their silk webs, Portia spiders are active hunters. They stalk their prey and then pounce on them.
It has been observed that when this spider needs to kill another spider that builds webs, it tricks it by creating vibrations that mimic the struggles of trapped prey. The web-building spider thinks that something is caught in its web and comes out to investigate, giving Portia the opportunity to attack. Moreover, Portia spiders are known to exhibit social behaviors, which is not common among Salticidae spider species. I encountered this spider at Sawai Madhopur (Rajasthan).

Portia spiders are active hunters. They stalk their prey and then pounce on them.

The most intelligent arthropods