The Strange Tale of Two Missing Bats in Rajasthan

The Strange Tale of Two Missing Bats in Rajasthan

We often fail to recognize that the knowledge of the biodiversity of a location in India, be it a single locality or region, results from a cumulative process of documentation stretching back centuries. Most of this knowledge stems from the written works of European naturalists and explorers in the 19th and early 20th centuries. This information was then passed down from one author to another in a chain through citations, with very few ever questioning the veracity of some reports. Rajasthan was no different, despite being the scene of considerable scientific field exploration after independence in 1947.

As a result, certain mysteries and loose ends in information continue to bewilder us, particularly when we decide to step out of the realm of charismatic fauna and take a closer look at other species.

For instance, why has a bat species, Tickell’s bat Hesperoptenus tickelli (Blyth, 1851), not been recorded in Rajasthan for over a century? Did it go extinct? Or is something else afoot? Could there have been an error in documentation by an early naturalist that has gone unnoticed all these years?

Furthermore, why was the possibility of another species of bat being found in Rajasthan, the small mouse-tailed bat Rhinopoma muscatellum Thomas, 1903 suddenly raised in 1997 when there has been no evidence of it ever being found in Rajasthan?

Answering these questions demands a fresh look at historical sources and even some contemporary ones.

Col. Samuel R. Tickell (1811-1875), after whom Tickell’s bat and multiple bird species are named.  Tickell reportedly collected the type specimen for this species in Chaibasa, Jharkhand, in 1842, which is why the species is named after him. (Public Domain Image)

  1. Tickell’s Bat

A look at the encyclopedic Bats of the Indian Subcontinent (1997) by P.J. Bates and D.L. Harrison reveals that Tickell’s bat was reported from Nasirabad in Rajasthan-“INDIA: Rajasthan: Nusserabad.”

Strangely, they did not include Nasirabad or any other place in Rajasthan on the accompanying distribution map for this species and do not explain why. Perhaps they doubted this report.

The book they rely on for this information is Mammalia (1888-91) by William Thomas Blanford. Now where did Blanford get his information from?  Blanford referenced all the available literature on this species at the time and wrote that it was found in, the “Peninsula of India (Nusserabad in Rajputana; Bombay; Chybassa; Jashpur, Sirguja in SW Bengal)”.

A look at the literature referenced by Blanford reveals that it was in G.E. Dobson’s Catalogue of Chiroptera in the British Museum (1878), that we first see specimens of this species recorded from “Nusserabad, India”.

Let us consider that this is the first mention of a location in India called “Nusserabad” being connected to this species. Dobson DID NOT write that the Nusserabad being discussed here was in Rajasthan or any other specific locality. Dobson also did not provide other details that could have helped us trace where these specimens were collected from, such as the name of the collector nor when they were collected, except that the British Museum received them from East India House.

The remaining sources Blanford referenced for this species do not mention Tickell’s bat being collected from anywhere in Rajasthan; therefore, it was Blanford who first connected Rajasthan to this species. Adding Rajputana to the locality information (Nusserabad) appeared to be based on nothing more than an assumption by Blanford.

Now, what could have caused Blanford’s assumption? After all, there were at least six localities named “Nasirabad” in British India, so why would he add Rajasthan (or then Rajputana) to this ambiguous locality?

As we have seen earlier with three other bat species, it was likely the connection of Captain W.J.E Boys to the town of Nasirabad in Rajasthan.  Now, who was Captain W.J.E Boys?

Captain W.J.E Boys was a cavalry officer with the British East India Company, but more importantly, he was a very well-known and highly prolific collector of specimens. As mentioned in an earlier article, Nasirabad in Rajasthan has a long history as a cantonment town.

Despite not being named in the literature connected to this species, it is more than possible that Blanford assumed that Captain Boys was the collector and that therefore the specimens were collected in Nasirabad, Rajasthan, in the absence of a specific locality and collector identity in the information provided in Dobson’s catalogue.  Such assumptions have been made before with other species and there is no other explanation for why Blanford made this assumption.

After Blanford, many authors perpetuated the unfounded assumption that Tickell’s bat was recorded in Rajasthan, which skewed the distributional record of this species for a very long time.

No evidence of the presence of this species in Rajasthan has ever been found despite many field surveys and exploration in the state.

2. Small Mouse-tailed Bat

This case is even stranger than that of Tickell’s bat because it takes place in modern times and contemporary scientists’ works.

Coming back to the Bats of the Indian Subcontinent, Bates and Harrison wrote in 1997 that this bat has possibly been recorded in a place called Genji in  Rajasthan: “Tamil Nadu: Genji (doubtful record, restricted to Coromandel coast by Van Cakenberghe & de Vree (1994) but possibly Genji in Rajasthan)”.

They were sceptical, however, as they do mention the record is doubtful for India. The map provided by Bates and Harrison nevertheless marks both Genji in Rajasthan and a spot on the Coromandel coast in Tamil Nadu with a “?”. Which unfortunately inadvertently gives credence to the report.

It is possible that when Bates and Harrison viewed this report alongside other reports of this species from Afghanistan and Pakistan, a locality in Rajasthan might have seemed like a natural part of its distributional area.

However, we must now look at the source that Bates and Harrison relied on to understand how the possibility of this species being found in Rajasthan was raised in 1994 and never before.

In a 1994 paper titled “A revision of the Rhinopomatidae DOBSON 1872, with the description of a new subspecies”, Victor Van Cakenberghe and Frits de Vree wrote that specimens of this species were probably collected from a place named Genji on the Coromandel coast.

Their information was based on documents that were with specimens which are stored in the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris. Despite possessing this information, they were strangely unable to find a locality named “Genji” on the Coromandel coast.

They did, however, find a place named “Genji” in Rajasthan, but still concluded that the specimens of the small mouse-tailed bat were from south-eastern India while merely noting that “Genji” also existed in Rajasthan.

Despite their conclusion, they still marked Genji in Rajasthan on their distributional map for the species, thereby unfortunately lending credibility to the possibility that the specimens could have been collected from Rajasthan.

Map by Van Cakenberghe and de Vree (1994), which also shows Genji in Rajasthan as a locality for the small mouse-tailed bat even though they concluded that the single Indian locality report for this species was from Southeastern India.

The collector of these specimens was Maurice Maindron, who was believed to be in the areas of Pondicherry and Karikal around September, 1901, about the same time the specimens were captured in “Genji”. Both areas are within the vicinity of the Coromandel Coast.

While Van Cakenberge and de Vree were unable to locate “Genji” in the area in 1994, we (Dharmendra Khandal, Ishan Dhar and Shyamkant S. Talmale) found a locality near the Coromandel coast in Tamil Nadu spelt “Gingee” in 2023.

Although this seems very hard to believe, the cause of this mystery ultimately boiled down to a spelling inconsistency.

It is important to remember that many early European naturalists were inconsistent with the spellings of Indian localities. We have already seen this with Nasirabad/Nusserabad in the previous case. Therefore, “Gingee” on the Coromandel coast in Tamil Nadu is probably what Maurice Maindron meant by “Genji”.

So yes, even a spelling inconsistency can completely skew a species’ distributional record if the authors are not careful or not mindful of geography.

However, the strange tale of the small mouse-tailed bat does not end there. There is good reason to believe that not only was the species not recorded in Rajasthan, but it may never have been found in India.

After he was employed by the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, Maidron travelled almost uninterrupted for the next 25 years. In addition to India, he visited other parts of the small mouse-tailed bat’s global range, such as “Arabia,” in 1896, before his third visit to India in 1900-1901, which is when the specimens were reportedly collected from “Genji.”

This could mean that the specimens were possibly collected from somewhere in West Asia, such as the Persian Gulf, where the species is still found today, and were perhaps mislabelled afterwards. Errors such as these by curators have been documented previously, such as in the British Museum.

Fortunately, the possibility of this species being found in India was not articulated beyond Bates and Harrison, as subsequent authors on Indian bats have omitted this species from their works.

This case shows that not only can assumptions and errors by historical authors skew the distributional records of species, but contemporary authors are quite capable of similar errors if they do not account for the inadequacies of historical sources.

For more details about these two cases, read this paper authored by Dharmendra Khandal, Ishan Dhar and Shyamkant S. Talmale in the Journal of Threatened Taxa.

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A Chiropteran Conundrum: The Story of the Three Lost Bats of Rajasthan  

A Chiropteran Conundrum: The Story of the Three Lost Bats of Rajasthan  

For the last 150 years, three bat species have not been observed in  Rajasthan. Field surveys , expeditions ,studies, have all returned empty handed. No trace of these three species has been found till date. Researchers working on the biodiversity of Rajasthan have expressed great concern over their purported extinction. The three species causing such a flutter in the scientific community are the Lesser Mouse-Eared Bat ( Myotis blythii) Tomes, 1857, the Large Barbastelle ( Barbastella darjelingensis) Hodgson, in Horsfield, 1855 and the Serotine Bat ( Eptesicus serotinus pachyomus) Tomes, 1857.

You will be even more surprised to know that it is believed that two of these bat species were first discovered in Rajasthan, namely the Lesser Mouse-Eared Bat ( Myotis blythii) and the Serotine Bat ( Eptesicus serotinus pachyomus). Both were first described during the year of the First War of Indian Independence, i.e. 1857

If that is indeed the case, why has there been absolutely no evidence of their occurrence for so long ? To get to the bottom of this bewildering mystery,  published literature on each species was studied closely and analysed separately.

1. Lesser mouse-eared bat ( Myotis blythii) Tomes, 1857

This species of bat was described in 1857 by Robert Fisher Tomes , a farmer living in England , who had a keen interest in zoology. His description was based on a specimen preserved in the British Museum and it is pertinent to remember that he did not collect the specimen himself. He then named it Vespertilio blythii . Tomes ( 1857) wrote in his description that the specimen in the British Museum had a label on it – ““Hab. India, Nassenabad, from Mr. Warwick, 1848”  . Tomes (1857) further wrote that , ” I believe collected by  Captain Boys”.

So why didn’t Tomes(1857)  consider Mr. Warwick to be the collector of the specimen ?

An examination of  Mr Warwick’s background gives us the answer –  John Edington Warwick was  a ‘naturalist’ for the Royal Surrey Zoological Gardens in  London (Walworth). The gardens procured animals from at least three continents during Warwick’s tenure. Warwick seems to have only occasionally procured animals from overseas personally , such as a giraffe , five ostriches , eighteen Numidian cranes , one camel and five jerboas  from  Egypt in one notable instance in 1836 .  Specimens from Warwick’s expansive collection at the garden were also sold  to  museums upon expiry , for example, a Cuban nightjar was sold to the Derby Museum in 1849 . Warwick therefore appears not to have been the collector of this bat ,which led Tomes (1857) to speculate that someone else may have collected it in India.

However, another question arises, why did Tomes(1857)  speculate that the original collectors might be  Captain Boys?

The  answer appears to be that Tomes(1857) quite possibly linked the then famous collector of specimens, Captain Boys, to  “Nasirabad” , and assumed that “Nassenabad” on the specimen label meant Nasirabad , a town in Rajasthan. It is possible that he assumed that “Nassenabad” was nothing more than a typological error.

Now let us look into  Captain Boys. Captain W.J.E Boys was a cavalry officer in the British East India Company as well as a well-known collector of specimens. Nasirabad in the Ajmer district of Rajasthan has a rather long history as a cantonment town .

Captain Boy’s purported association with Nasirabad , Rajasthan has led to assumptions about the type locality of this species , even though Tomes ( 1857) never claimed that the species was from Rajasthan (then Rajputana) nor that the collector was Captain Boys.

T.C.  Jerdon ( 1867) was the first to claim that the specimen was discovered by Captain Boys in Nasirabad ,Rajasthan. Jerdon (1867) wrote, “The bat was found by Captain Boys in Nusserabad, Rajputana”. Jerdon ( 1867) therefore first assumed that ‘Nassenabad’ was ‘Nasirabad’ , second, that ‘Nusserabad’ was in Rajasthan, and perpetuated what was clearly a conjecture by Tomes(1857) regarding the collector as fact.

However , there were many localities in British India named “Nasirabad”. Apart from Rajasthan, there is also a Nasirabad in Pakistan , and multiple states in today’s India like Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. In addition, Captain Boys was also very active in the Himalayan regions . It should also be noted that Captain Boys had died three years before Tomes ( 1857) wrote the description of the bat, and therefore could not have confirmed nor disproved Tomes(1857) description.

After Jerdon’s (1867)  perpetuation of assumptions , most bat experts have believed that the lesser mouse-eared bat ( Myotis blythii) was first discovered in Rajasthan.


  1. The Serotine Bat (Eptesicus serotinus pachyomus ), Tomes , 1857Tomes ( 1857) , in the same paper, also described another bat species (then Scotophilus pachyomus) ,  based on a specimen in the British Museum. According to Tomes ( 1857) , the collector of this specimen was “Captain Boys” and the place of specimen collection was “India”. There was no mention of Rajputana.

    Wroughton (1918) was the first  to claim that this species occurred in  Rajputana or Rajasthan and was first discovered there . He wrote the following  in the Bombay Natural History Society’s Indian Mammal Survey report,  “Type Locality: Rajputana: Boys”. Perhaps because of the purported connection between Captain Boys and  Nasirabad, Wroughton (1918) also assumed that the type locality was Rajputana.

    Following Wroughton(1918), many assumed that  ( Eptesicus serotinus pachyomus) occurred in Rajasthan such as Ellerman and Morrison-Scott ( 1951), Sinha ( 1980), Srinivasulu and Srinivasulu ( 2012), Srinivasulu et al. ( 2013) .

However , it must be said that although Bates and Harrison ( 1997) included Rajasthan in the distribution area for this species , they added a disclaimer , ” Rajasthan: No definite area”. The distribution map  they provided for this bat also did not mark any specific locality in Rajasthan.


  1. Large Barbastelle (Barbastella darjelingensis) Hodgson, in Horsfield, 1855

Wroughton (1918),  was the first to claim that the  Large Barbastelle ( Barbastella darjelingensis) occurred in Rajasthan. Wroughton (1918) included “Rajputana” in the distribution of this species due to a specimen deposited in the British Museum , but once again, the  museum did not mention Rajputana as the locality for this specimen. How then did Wroughton (1918) claim that the specimen was sourced in Rajasthan?

In theCatalogue of the Chiroptera in the Collection of the British Museum  authored by Dobson ( 1878), it is apparent that the British Museum simultaneously held two specimens of Barbastella darjelingensis . The first specimen was the type specimen on the basis of which B.H. Hodgson described the Large Barbastelle ( Barbastella darjelingensis) and the other  was deposited by Captain Boys. However here too no specific locality in India is provided for this specimen. Dobson ( 1878) also did not mention Rajputana in his account of the  distribution of this species , but considered its distribution to be “India (Darjeeling , Khasi Hills , Sikh , Mussoorie , Shimla) ; Yarkand” etc.

Therefore it is highly likely that Wroughton (1918) relied on  the alleged association between Captain Boys and Nasirabad or Rajputana (Rajasthan) to include  Rajputana in the extent of occurrence for this species as well , as was the case with the two species described by Tomes ( 1857) .

Subsequently, Ellerman and Morrison-Scott ( 1951), Sinha ( 1980), Srinivasulu et al ( 2013) etc. all considered this  species to be found in Rajasthan.
However , Sinha ( 1980) was presumably skeptical and therefore consulted J.E. Hill  of the British Museum who like Wroughton(1918) before him, appears to have made the same alleged association between Captain Boys and Nasirabad or Rajputana (Rajasthan): “as informed by J.E. Hill (B.M.) the specimen from the British Museum is probably from Nasirabad but labelled as “India””.

Bates and Harrison ( 1997) did not include Rajasthan in the distribution  of this species in their account , nor was any locality in Rajasthan  marked on their distribution map for this species.


It is evident  that almost all authors have linked Captain Boys to Nasirabad , Rajputana or Nasirabad to Captain Boys.

However  it is clear from an examination of  the life of Captain Boys that he was very active in North India and not just Rajputana. In 1843 , he served as an assistant to the Commissioner of Kumaon (Uttarakhand) and also fought in the Second Anglo-Sikh War. Boys eventually died on 21 March 1854 in Almora (Uttarakhand).

Captain Boys was extremely prolific in collecting animal specimens, due to which he was also unanimously elected a member of the Asiatic Society of Bengal in 1842 . The specimens collected by Boys are diverse, for example, he collected a snail from Agra (Uttar Pradesh) , a wasp from Almora (Uttarakhand), a bird from a place in between Sindh (now Pakistan) and Ferozepur (Indian Punjab), a caracal from Jaipur in Rajasthan and so on.

In Jardine (1852),  the auction of  Captain Boys’ collection of bird specimens in London is described , ” The specimens of 500-600 species of birds are the result of their many years of residence in the Upper Ganges provinces of India”. The Asiatic Society of Bengal also provided him financial support for geological expeditions to the “Thibet Passes”.

It is thus clear that  Captain Boys was by no means confined to just Rajputana and  spent a considerable amount of time in the Himalayas where he also collected numerous specimens. Incidentally , the Himalayas are where these three bats are known to occur today.

Thus it can be said that  until there is concrete evidence of the occurrence of these three species in Rajasthan ,  they should be removed from all lists of chiroptera  in the state.


Bates, P.J.J. & D.L. Harrison (1997). Bats of the Indian Subcontinent. Harrison Zoological Museum Publication, Seven oaks, Kent 258 pp.

Dobson, G.E. (1878). Catalogue of the Chiroptera in the Collection of the British Museum. Taylor & Francis, London, 550 pp. https://doi. org/10.5962/bhl.title.55341

Ellerman, J.R. & T.C.S. Morrison-Scott (1951). Checklist of Palaearcticand Indian Mammals 1758 to 1946. British Museum (Natural History), London, 810 pp.

Khandal, D., I. Dhar, D.L. Bohra & S.S. Talmale (2022). Natural history notes on three bat species. Journal of Threatened Taxa 14(8): 21501–21507

Tomes R.F. (1857). Description of four undescribed species of Bats. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 25: 50–54. https://

Jerdon, T.C. (1867). 59. Vespertilio Blythi: p. 45. In: The Mammals of India: A Natural History of all the Animals Known to Inhabit Continental India. Thomason College Press, Roorkee, 320 pp.

Wroughton, R.C. (1918). Summary of the Results from the Indian Mammal Survey of the Bombay Natural History Society. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 5(4): 547–596.

Sinha Y.P. (1980). The bats of Rajasthan: taxonomy and zoogeography. Records of the Zoological Survey of India 76 (1–4): 7–63.

Srinivasulu, C. & B. Srinivasulu (2012). South Asian Mammals, Their diversity, Distribution, and Status. Springer, New York, 468 pp.

Srinivasulu, C., B. Srinivasulu & Y.P. Sinha (2013). Chapter 21. Chiropteran Fauna of Rajasthan: Taxonomy, Distribution and Status, pp. 505–548. In: Sharma, B.K., S. Kulshreshtha & A.R. Rahmani (eds.). Faunal Heritage of Rajasthan, India: General Background and Ecology of Vertebrates. Springer Science+Business Media, New York, 661 pp.

Strickland, H.E. & C. Strickland (1852). Illustrations of Ornithology: Pericrocotus Erythropogius, JERDON. In: Jardine, W. Contributions to Ornithology 1848–1852 Vol 1. Samuel Higley, London, 162 pp.


Dr. Dharmendra Khandal (L) has worked as a conservation biologist with Tiger Watch – a non-profit organisation based in Ranthambhore, for the last 16 years. He spearheads all anti-poaching, community-based conservation and exploration interventions for the organisation.

Mr. Ishan Dhar (R) is a researcher of political science in a think tank. He has been associated with Tiger Watch’s conservation interventions in his capacity as a member of the board of directors.